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I know that they are kind of interested in carrots. shave it with a pealer and see what they do.

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Q: What is a good choice of food for a floating turtle?
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How do you get a turtle to get the turtle to stop hiding?

you cant force a turtle/tortiose out of his shell. its his own personal choice. however, you can attempt to lure him out with the promise of a good habitate and suitable food

Can fish eat baby turtle food?

Yes they can but it isn't a very good choice. I have had my turtle since it was a baby and i fed him small fish that i let swim around the tank so he would have to chase it to eat it and the smallest kind that i could find of turtle food

Why is plastic is a good choice?

its a good choice because it helps store food and keeps it fresh.

What components of food make it a good or poor choice?


Are turtle food pellets good for cats?

I am not sure if they are bad for cats, exactly. However, any food that is not meant for cats generally isn't good for them (human food and other pet foods included).

Where can you buy map turtle food in the UK?

u good buy it at pet smart or a pet shop

What food does a Shar-Pei eat food and treats?

Natural Choice is a good food for a Shar-Pei and milkbones are good as treats. If you have enough money as a food Wysong is the absolute best for the dogs health.

What should you have for super?

i think the best choice is PIZZA! Because it is brain food and GOOD!=)

What would be a good first pet?

A turtle is one option. Turtles are very strong, hearty creatures. As long as you feed them enough and keep their tank clean, they won't die on you. If cared for properly, they may even outlive you! So there is less chance of your child being heartbroken over their pet's untimely death. They are also fairly easy to care for. The tank can be a pain to clean, but other than that, they are pretty low-maintenance. All you need is a tank, a heat lamp, a filter for the water (unless it's a land turtle), and turtle food (like Reptomin Floating Food Sticks).

What is sea turtle food?

something good small shrimp, coral, and other small animals

What does a shar-pei eat food and treats?

Natural Choice is a good food for a Shar-Pei and milkbones are good as treats. If you have enough money as a food Wysong is the absolute best for the dogs health.

When after taking ecstasy What is a good choice of food to eat?

comfort food like french fries, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes...