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If you have sensitive skin, blackheads are tough to get rid of right? The best way to keep your skin clear is drink tons of water. When you go to the bathroom your urine should be white not yellow. That's the sign your getting enough water. However, water doesn't always clear up all of your severe to moderate acne. Zinc, Vitamin A, B & E, echinacea, thyme and tea tree oil can actually cure acne. Talk to your doctor about which of these vitamins and minerals you can take and continue to wash your face with pure water or acne washes designed for sensitive skin.

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Q: What can you use to clear black spots on very sensitive skin?
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It is a skin disease,My home dog before also has a skin disease, I check in online to a tillhope ointment, used after the effect is good, if your dog will have skin disorders you can try the tillhope.I hope you can quickly solve the skin problem.If you have any questions can consult their