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Assuming you mean a "chemical volcano", the most commonly used ingredients are baking soda and vinegar, though just about any acid and carbonate will work.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

You can simulate a volcanic eruption using ingredients like mentos and Diet Soda, Diet Coke and candy mints, or hydrogen peroxide and yeast. These combinations create a reaction that results in a foamy eruption similar to a volcano.

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14y ago

What you need to make an exploding volcano is vinegar and baking soda can add if you want to change color you can use food coloring

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13y ago

Baking soda and salt with red food coloring. Add lemon juice.

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Q: What can you use to make an volcanic eruption besides baking soda and vinegar?
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What is a good hypothesis question for the baking soda and vinegar volcano?

"How does the ratio of baking soda to vinegar affect the height of the eruption in a baking soda and vinegar volcano experiment?"

How do you make the volcano bubble?

To create a bubbly volcano demonstration, mix vinegar and red food coloring in a plastic bottle, then add baking soda by using a funnel. The reaction of vinegar (acid) with baking soda (base) produces carbon dioxide gas, creating bubbles and the "volcanic eruption" effect.

What is the mixture to erupt a homemade volcano?

To create a homemade volcano eruption, you can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Place some baking soda in the volcano crater, and then pour vinegar into the crater. The reaction between the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) will create carbon dioxide gas, leading to the eruption. You can also add red food coloring to the vinegar for a more visually appealing eruption.

How is a baking soda volcanoes eruption similar to a real volcano eruption?

Both baking soda volcanoes and real volcanoes erupt by releasing gas and molten material from beneath the Earth's surface. The eruption results in the expulsion of materials (baking soda and vinegar for the baking soda volcano, and lava and ash for a real volcano) which flow outwards. Both types of eruptions can create a visual spectacle with plumes of gas and debris.

What is the ratio of baking soda to make a volcano erupt?

The ratio of baking soda to vinegar to create a volcanic eruption is typically 1:1. Mixing one part baking soda with one part vinegar causes a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas, creating the bubbling eruption effect. Adjust the amounts based on the desired size of the eruption.

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What can be a good chemistry working model?

volcanic eruption using baking soda and vinegar would be wonderful

What happens when vinegar is added to baking powder?

What can happen if baking soda and vinegar mix?

What is a good hypothesis question for the baking soda and vinegar volcano?

"How does the ratio of baking soda to vinegar affect the height of the eruption in a baking soda and vinegar volcano experiment?"

How do you make a volcanic mountain?

baking soda and vinegar

How do you make the volcano bubble?

To create a bubbly volcano demonstration, mix vinegar and red food coloring in a plastic bottle, then add baking soda by using a funnel. The reaction of vinegar (acid) with baking soda (base) produces carbon dioxide gas, creating bubbles and the "volcanic eruption" effect.

What is the mixture to erupt a homemade volcano?

To create a homemade volcano eruption, you can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Place some baking soda in the volcano crater, and then pour vinegar into the crater. The reaction between the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) will create carbon dioxide gas, leading to the eruption. You can also add red food coloring to the vinegar for a more visually appealing eruption.

How is a baking soda volcanoes eruption similar to a real volcano eruption?

Both baking soda volcanoes and real volcanoes erupt by releasing gas and molten material from beneath the Earth's surface. The eruption results in the expulsion of materials (baking soda and vinegar for the baking soda volcano, and lava and ash for a real volcano) which flow outwards. Both types of eruptions can create a visual spectacle with plumes of gas and debris.

What is best to clean vegetables...vinegar or baking soda or a combination?

i think baking soda but don't use a combination of vinegar and baking soda or else you will get a volcano eruption =) hope this helps Katie xxx

What chemicals are used in a volcano experiment?

Common chemicals used in volcano experiments include baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid). When combined, these two substances create a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas, causing the mixture to foam and simulate a volcanic eruption. Food coloring can also be added for visual effect.

What is a good abstract for a science project volcano?

This project investigates the impact of different types of vinegar on the eruption height of a baking soda volcano. By varying the acidity of the vinegar, we aim to understand how it affects the reaction rate and ultimately the eruption. This study provides insight into the role of acidity in volcanic eruptions and can be a fun learning tool for students.

What reacts to baking soda besides vinegar?

magnesium will react with vinegar ... It will bubble owly and will begin to warm

What household item besides salt is porbably ionic?

Baking soda and vinegar.