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revelutionary war=when America was still colonies of the British, the British raised the taxes on the colonies to pay off for the French and Indian war. Colonies were mad.

War of 1812=British wanted rematch and lossed

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14y ago

There were two wars between the US and Great Britain. The first was the war for independence started in 1776 and ended in 1783. The second was the war of 1812. Both times, the colonists wanted to be free to represent themselves and live without taxation from a government they felt did not understand the colonists way of life. Political and religious freedom played only a small role. If you're referring to WW2, the US and Britain were allies. Britain proclaimed war on Germany on 09/03/1939 after Germany refused to leave Poland, whcih they had invaded on August 31. Pred Roosevelt loaned ships, ammunition and troops to Britain in what was known as the Loan Lease program. However the US did not enter the war in Europe until Dec 1941, a few days after declaring war on Japan.

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9y ago

The American Colonies and Great Britain's greatest war was when the British Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament on March 22, 1765. They passed it because it helped pay for their war taxes.

However, the Colonies didn't think it was fair.

So, on the evening of December 16, 1773, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians and boarded three British Tea ships. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the ocean, which started the Revolutionary War.

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8y ago

The Frenc Revolution which caused the US to have to choose a side to fight on or stay neutral, and because of their former alliances.

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Q: What caused conflict between the English and the French?
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