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poppy seeds?

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Q: What causes Morphine to show in a drug test if you dont do drugs?
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What drugs causes addicition?

First of allwhat is drug addicition?Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them.Many drugs can causes addiction,includingamphetamines, barbiturates, opiates, morphine, codaine, methadone.and wide majorities of other drugs.

What category of drugs is Lortab and morphine in?

1 and in i think 3 to 4 for loritabs i know morphine is schd 1 drug

What drug can cause constriction of the pupils?

Prescription drugs that can cause the pupils to contract are drugs from the opioid family. Morphine and codeine-dionine drugs are in this group. Others are hydroxy-morphine, dinitrophenylmorphine, and benzylmorphine. These drugs are used as pain killers.

How do you pass a slavia drug test?

Dont do drugs...Sorry couldn't resist. I dont I used to do drug testing & at that time there was no way to "pass" or fool a slavia drug test.

Does roxi's come up morphine in urine drug tests?

no, it shows up as oxycodone. Morphine and roxis are completely different drugs.

Why would percocett show up as morphine in a drug test?

They are from the same family of drugs

Can Dilantin show up as morphine in mouth swab drug test?

Nope. Dilantin (phenytoin) and morphine (opiate) are completely different classes of drugs and should not cross react on a drug test.

Are there any drug interactions between morphine er and methadone?

methadone acyclic analog of morphine or heroin acts on the same opioid receptors as these drugs

What drugs will show up as morphene on a drug test?

All opiates except for morphine are what they call prodrugs. Prodrugs turn into other drugs in your body before they're metabolized, and what they turn into is morphine. So, any opiate shows up as morphine.

How will morphine show in a urine drug screen as morphine or as any opiate?

it will show up as morphine. many other opiate drugs (oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin, etc.) may also show up as morphine see:

What is a drug that can harm you?

all of them dont do drugs

Is there a drug that causes pinpoint pupils?

The drugs that most commonly cause constricted pupils or "Pinpoint" are strong opiods such as Heroin, morphine, oxycodone, or high doses of norco / vicodin.