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A little kid in the trunk with a hammer

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Q: What causes a loud knocking noise in a Toyota?
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rack and pinion

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It's the spirit of the car knocking on the side saying "HELLO??? TAKE ME TO A MECHANIC!"

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Driving at 50mph or above what causes a loud knocking clicking sound during acceleration?

What causes a loud squeaking noise whenever you turn ignition on your 05 Toyota Highlander on?

probably the fan belt

What would cause a loud knocking noise in the front of the car when you accelerate?

you may have a rod knocking and you need to take it to a shop asap

Car makes loud knocking sound at high speeds?

A loud knocking noise in the motor of a car at high speeds is most likely the engine. There could be another issue with the transmission if the knocking only happens at high speeds.

What would cause a loud knocking noise coming from the engine at 70 mph and make the truck shake very badly?

Having a bad rod bearing could cause a truck to make a loud knocking noise and shake when driving at high speeds. The engine having a coolant leak or an engine timing problem could also cause the knocking noise.

What can cause very loud knocking noise in a 2.4Liter motor?

worn, lose rocker arms

What would cause a loud knocking noise in engine upon starting?

Running too lean.

Will your car run bad and make loud knocking noise if there is water in gas tank?

Yes Yes

Does the air compressor of a 2006 Toyota Highlander make a loud noise?

Probably, sense Toyota's sound loud and like vacuums anyway...

Why would the engine of a 1997 Chevy Cavalier make a loud knocking noise even after being told that there is nothing wrong with it?

it's probably a rod knocking