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Ive read that it could be Asthma but in MY case I was exposed to a LOT of toxins on my job so i know that the coughing is a result of my body trying to release the toxins... Have you been exposed yo anything recently? This may be whats happening. Good luck!

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Q: What causes coughing during exercise?
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What are causes of coughing?

There are a variety of potential causes of coughing. Upper respiratory infections, gastroesophageal reflux, Allergies, and medication side effects are all common reasons.

What molecule increases in the blood during exercise?

During exercise our blood circulation speed increases. It effect in amino acid and a molecule ATP which causes muscles to increase strength.

What is the lung disease that causes coughing and joint aches?

Sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis can cause coughing and joint aches.

What causes the muscle sorness during exercise?

A buildup in lactic acid is the culprit. This buildup only occurs when anaerobic exercise, such as sprinting and weight lifting, is performed.

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What causes coughing in sheep?

Dusty conditions, a lungworm infestation or a respiratory infection.

What causes pain on chest arms back while coughing?

The main cause of pain in the chest, arms, and back while coughing is muscle fatigue. These muscles are not typically used and will quickly tire through coughing.

Does physical activity causes miscarriage?

No, exercise is very good for you during pregnancy and does not cause miscarriage. Some say it does but that is a myth.

Is it true that cardiovascular exercise causes your lungs to breathe less often?

No. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, causes you to breath more.

What condition causes a needle like pain and increases with inspiration and coughing?

Pleurisy (Pleuritis)