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an itchy ear without any ear wax is caused by a illness or a time where one wasn't 100 percent, when you are unwell you have no bacteria to fight your illness, other thing occur like sore throt, itchy eyes and sometimes you can get lice, but this doesn't mean you will. Things that can help this is: having a hot shower, the steam will most likely unblock it and cure it.

eat some minty chewy, mostly works on blocked or infected ear from being in high huminity but it works for ear problems such as itchy ears painful ears and when they are blocked.

i hope my inputs are a big help thank you for reading. These troublesome outer ear problems, which in medical jargon are grouped under the term otitis externa diffusa, can be caused by highly diverse factors. They can be triggered by viruses, bacteria, fungal infections and allergic reactions. In the case of inflammation caused by a bacterial infection (primarily by staphylococci), the initial itching generally turns to severe pain when the ear canal skin swells up. However, itching is the main symptom of dry, flaky forms of otitis externa, which often manifest them- selves as eczema of the pinna. Exogenous disruptions, such as earrings, piercings, ear protectors, earphones etc. that destroy the natural antibacterial protection provided by the layer of earwax, are frequently partly responsible for their appearance. That said, in most cases outer ear complaints are actually the result of excessive hygiene. For many people nowadays the need for cleanliness is so strong that ENT doctors are already talking of "ear canal hypochondriacs". Those cleanliness fanatics attack their ears every day with Q-tips, thus destroying the protective environment of the ear canal skin and giving eczema and bacterial infections a helping hand. Other causes are possible changes in the pH value by means of soaps, shampoos, hairsprays or foreign bodies, which can cause irritation and inflammation of the ear canal. Endogenous factors that aid the incidence of eczema are an innate tendency towards pathological skin changes and a weakened immune system owing to Allergies or Diabetes. Itching owing to a fungal infection in the ear canal is particularly intense and agonizing, and occurs above all in humid weather in the summer months. While other forms of otitis externa diffusa can be identified by a reddening and swelling of the skin, in mycotic infections a white or yellow to black batting-like substance, depending on the type of fungus involved, forms on the reddened skin of the ear canal. As mycoses of the outer ear generally take a very long time to clear up, sufferers must unfortunately wait longer before they are free from their chronic itching than those with other variations of inflammation of the ear canal. A special seasonal form of otitis externa diffusa is so-called swimming-pool otitis, or, more commonly, swimmer's ear. It is primarily caused by bacteria such as pseudomonas and proteus, which thrive in quarry ponds and marsh ponds, as well as popular outside Swimming Pools, and attack ear canals that have lost their protective coating of fat through frequent swimming and diving. Swimmer's ear also starts with itching, but often turns into a serious and painful inflammation that requires the attention of an ENT specialist. There is also the danger that the infection will spread to the eardrum and ear bones behind it, which, if left untreated, can lead to deafness. Yet it rarely comes to that, as swimmer's ear can be quickly treated with antibiotics.

The following applies to all forms of otitis externa diffusa: The first and most important step is to have a doctor care- fully clean and dry the ear canal several times, followed by the local use of disinfectant, antibiotics, often in combination with cortisone preparations and, if necessary, anti- fungal drugs (antimycotica).

This information was found at signed by Anno Bachem

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Itchy ears could be caused by many things. To much or not enough wax, allergies, fungal infections, and also certain skin conditions such as psoriasis.

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To protect your ears.

Can ear wax cause ear infections?

Ear wax is secreted by the ceruminous glands of the ears. It functions to protect the ears from outside contaminants. Diseases do not spread well through ear wax, but it may be possible to catch diseases transmitted through body fluids via ear wax.

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Clean ears. The wax you see is build up from the wax inside your ear cleaning out the dirt.

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ear wax and... something else.

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because all of the wax has built up in your ear so the wax is acting like a shield in your ear to stop you from hearing.

Will your ears produce more ear wax to compensate for the ear wax that has been removed?

Not necessarily. Ear wax is produced naturally as a protective coating for the ear canal, and irritation of the canal can cause increased production. When excessive ear wax has been removed, if there is no irritation the production of ear wax should return to normal.

Do earwigs eat ear wax?

yes they do, so watch your ears!

How do the ears defend against microbes?

Ears contain a considerable amount of wax that protects the soft lining towards the back of the ear canal, leading to the ear-drum. The wax defends the inside of the ear from microscopic organisms and moderately sized insects such as flies. Insects and bacteria get ensnared in the wax and eventually die, falling out of the ear.

Why is it bad to insert a cotton swab into your ears?

Because you are pushing the ear wax further into your ear. Plus the ear cleans itself. By taking a little bit of ear wax out of your ear each day. If the ear wax does not come out then you should to the DOCTOR so that they can take a look at it and have them clean it out for you.

How is ear wax is formed?

Ear wax is a normal product of the ear which protects the skin of the ear from water and infection. Ear wax is formed from wax glands in the external ear canal as well as other components such as dead skin, sweat, and oil.

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Wax, water, infection, narrowing of the ear canal.