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The straining and overexerting of muscle tissue can cause the tissue itself to tear, causing a somewhat nagging soreness in the general area. Once the muscle repairs itself, the soreness will go away. Stretching, let's say before a physical workout, can elongate the muscle, improving its elasticity and making less prone to tearing. Sometimes, stretching itself can tear a muscle and make it sore. Stretching out a sore muscle can also increase the pain because the muscle has not had enough time to repair itself. >> The thing is that it's is in certain areas. Like my right thigh, my left calf and ankle my right shoulder and both my forearms, my right wrist and my neck. Also, I have had a sore throught for the past 3 days, but I don't know if that is related. >> If you don't usually strain those muscles, and you participate in a strenuous workout, then they will more than likely be sore for a few days. I started working on improving my abs recently. The first day I started, I only did 25 sit ups and my abs were sore for almost a week. It really doesn't matter if you're working out or not, any irregular usage of muscle can make it sore. Running, lifting, excercising, flagging down an airplane, etc. Though, if any heavy lifting was involved, or if the soreness persists for over a week, you may want to see your doctor to make sure you haven't done any permanent damage. The earlier you catch it, the better chance you have of repairing it.

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When the body produces lactic acid because it doesn't have enough oxygen this makes a muscle sore.

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Delayed onset muscle soreness, DOMS, occurs following overexertion.. Pain during muscle use can be caused by a spasm, which slows arterial blood flow to the area and is referred to as claudication.

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A build up in lactic acid can cause muscle soreness. Also, it is important to get a good source of protein so your muscles have more building blocks to repair themselves, and cardio exercise (anything that raises your heart rate)

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A muscle injury is a tear or bruise of the muscle itself. Muscle soreness is more commonly the burning from lactic acid trapped in the muscles that is burned off with strenuous use of the muscle.

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Make sure to stretch before and after exercise, it reduces the lactic acid in the muscles reducing soreness. If it's soreness from the rebuilding of muscle then it's fine but if it's soreness due to injury then don't exercise without consent of a doctor.

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Muscle overuse results in soreness and stiffnessof the muscles.