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hmmm.. i`m thinking that rosatia [can`t spell it] might be a cause or it`s the same thing with a skin breakout - it doesn`t have to happen allover. i don`t exactly know so this isn`t the BEST advice but ehhh.. it`s a start =]

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Q: What causes only one side of the face to flush during or after exercise and is this a serious condition?
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Causes are same whether you are pregnant or not. But if this happen to be rubella ( German measles), then it is very serious disease.

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A buildup in lactic acid is the culprit. This buildup only occurs when anaerobic exercise, such as sprinting and weight lifting, is performed.

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Skipped heartbeats during rigorous exercise can occur for several reasons. First, if you do not properly warm up the cardiovascular system and begin intense exercise, your heart may skip. Additionally, pushing yourself beyond your fitness level may cause a skipped beat. Caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system, sometimes causes skipped heartbeats during workouts. It is always best to discuss your questions with your physician to rule out any underlying problem, but most skipped heartbeats are not serious.

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No, exercise is very good for you during pregnancy and does not cause miscarriage. Some say it does but that is a myth.

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Michael Jackson did not actually become white. He stated during his life that he had vitiligo. This is a skin condition that causes a complete lack of pigment in patches.

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The condition that describes an excess of prolactin which causes the breasts to produce milk spontaneously is known as hyperprolactinemia. This can be as a result of normal body changes during pregnancy or diseases that affect the hypothalamus.

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During exercise muscle cells use oxygen.

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Muscle contraction and relaxation require salts which are lost through sweat during vigorous exercise. This causes some muscles particularly low in these materials to contract uncontrollably, creating a cramp.