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There are two types of terrain on the moon. The Lunar Highlands are the older type of terrain, which is indicated by the large number of craters on this terrain. This cratered terrain has the lighter color of the two types of terrain.

The other terrain is the Lunar Lowlands or Maria(sp?). Mare means "Sea", and these darker patches of terrain resembled seas to early astronomers. These are thought to be the remains of ancient gigantic impact craters on the moon which flooded with lava and cooled.

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1d ago

The different colors on the moon are caused by variations in the mineral composition of its surface. For example, areas rich in iron oxide appear red, while areas with titanium dioxide may appear blue. The angle of sunlight hitting the surface can also affect the perception of color.

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14y ago

The moon shows us different percentages of its surface as it revolves around the Earth. It goes through phases because of the way the sun illuminates its surface. The site below helps to explain.

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