

What cell does not have a nucleus?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Vampires are more popular than ever right now with shows like "True Blood" and movies like "Twilight" drawing millions of fans young and old. Vampires have always made for good Halloween costumes because they are so inherently spooky, but now there are more varieties of vampires from which to choose.

If you want to go the traditional route, all you really need to dress like a vampire is dark clothing and a cape. That cape should be either black or red in color and tied around the neck so that it flows behind you, flapping in an autumn breeze when you stand outside. Many people choose to dye their hair black when portraying a vampire and to paint their faces white, accenting it with trickles of red makeup dripping from the mouth to indicate blood.

With the popularity of Edward Cullen and the other less traditional vampires to be found in Stephenie Meyer's universe, the vampire look may be a bit different. Edward and his fellow vampires don't wear capes, though they do dress in an old-fashioned manner. It might be fun to raid a thrift store to try to look like gentlemanly Edward or free-spirited Alice, whose funky fashion and cheerful disposition make her stand out among her drab comrades. If you are portraying a Cullen, don't both with the blood on the face, since the Cullens don't drink human blood and always go far out of sight to feast upon animal blood. They are demure about their eating habits, unlike most vampires. Additionally, you should apply glitter to your exposed skin, since Cullens are known to sparkle in sunlight.

Whether you are portraying a traditional vampire or a Cullen, if you want to look like an authentic vampire, you'll need a pair of fangs. Any costume shop is sure to sell these, and they usually only cost a couple of dollars. While they can be rather uncomfortable to wear, you just wouldn't be a vampire without them.

Halloween is a time for all the monsters to come out of the woodwork. Blood-sucking vampires certainly qualify, so if that is a costume that appeals to you, achieving the proper look is a cinch.

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A red blood cell.

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a prokaryote such as a bacteria

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