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Q: What challenges did the US face during the Washington and Adams administrations I don't want the challenges of the two presidents I want the challenges the country itself faced?
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What challenges did both Washington and Adams face and what were their responses to those challenges?

The United States was a completely new country.

Which presidents served your country in war?

Washington Nixon Kennedy Eisenhower Grant Theodore Roosevelt

Why do we celebrate Abraham Lincoln and George Washington's birthday?

They do, but just not on their exact birthdays. The US celebrates all presidents on presidents' day, so they don't have to a holiday for all of the presidents' birthday. But you can still celebrate Lincoln's birthday and Washington's birthday if you want, it is just not a national holiday.

What are some of the Presidents of the United States?

Some presidents that served for the United States were Abraham Lincoln, George Washington as well as Barack Obama. These men all made the country a better place.

Who is the president that is called farther of his country?

Actually, several presidents have been called that in different countries. George Washington is the US president so honored.

What do Washington Jefferson Madison and Monroe have in common?

All are U.S county names(and presidents) 1 3 4 5

Are there any of the 153 presidents that are dead?

Which country are these153 Presidents supposed to be from.

Who was elected presidents of the constitutional convention?

George Washington was elected as president of the constitution convention.He was nominated for the position by Robert Morris of Pennsylvania.George Washington was elected President of the Constitutional Convention. He would go on to serve as the country's 1st President.

Is there a Presidents' Day in another country?


What are similar things between Abe linclon and George washington?

well they where both presidents and neither one of them went to collage. they where both raised on family land. They also we to war for our country.

What kind of monuments does Washington have?

War Memorials, monuments to past presidents, and many others. But you need to go see them all to get what they really symbolize, a free country and a free nation of people.

What Non-US country had 3 presidents in one day?

The country that had 3 presidents in one day was Mexico. On February 18, 1913 the presidents were Francisco Madero, Pedro Lascurain, and Victoriano Huerta.