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The main changes were around the plebeian tribunes and the plebeian council which were formed by the plebeian movement in its first rebellion (the 1st plebeian secession). The council and the tribunes were recognised, but the laws voted by the plebeian council were not recognised as laws binding on all citizens, including the patricians. Eventually they were recognised as binding on all, and the plebeian tribunes became the main proposers of laws and the plebeian council the main deliberative body. The leaders of the plebeian movement gained access to all offices of state, the senate and the priesthoods. These leaders were rich plebeians who were co-opted into what became a patrician-plebeian oligarchy with the help of liberal patricians who supported this development. The rich plebeians then turned the backs on the poor plebeians who had been the driving force of the plebeian movement. The economic grievances of the poor plebeians were not addressed properly.

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Q: What changes were made in romes government as a result of demands by the plebeians?
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