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An Oxygen atom would never contain 10 electrons on its own. It would have a maximum of 8 electrons at one time, unless the "oxygen atom" you are referring to is in fact an oxygen ION, in which case the charge would be -2. However, an oxygen ion can never be "by itself". It must be bonded with either itself as a diatomic or with another element as a compound.

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An oxygen ion with 10 electrons would have an overall - charge, because it has an extra set of electrons

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It will have a charge of +8-10= -2 charge

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Q: What charge would an oxygen atom with 10 electrons have?
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How many electrons would an atom of Oxygen need to have no charge?

Oxygen needs 8 electrons to have no charge.

If oxygen gains 2 electrons what charge will it have?

It would have a negative charge. It would be a negative ion with a 2+ charge.Remember: when an atom gains electrons they become NEGATIVE.when an atom loses electrons they become POSITIVE.

If 2 electrons where added to oxygen atom what would be the charge?

All atoms have a neutral charge until they lose or gain electrons. Once they lose/gain electrons then they are considered ions. Gaining electrons- If atoms gain electrons then they are getting negatively charged particles making them have a negative charge. Losing electrons- If atoms lose electrons then they are losing a negative charge and they become a positively charged ion. Oxygen- Oxygen will have a negative charge before a positive charge because it needs only two electrons to have a stable valence level. For example, Oxygen will take the electrons from two Hydrogen atoms and make H20.

How many electrons must the oxygen atom lose to be stable?

Oxygen wants to gain 2 electrons, so its charge would be 2-, because electrons have a negative charge.

When an oxygen atom gains two electrons to become an oxygen ion what is the electric charge?

The resulting oxygen ion has a charge of -2.

What is the overall charge of the oxygen atom?

The overall charge of any atom is 0. This is because the overall charge is number of protons - number of electrons. For every atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons so it is 0.

How do you convert a neutral oxygen atom to an anion carrying a charge of 2?

During oxidation an oxygen atom gain two electrons.

What is formed if 2 electrons are added to an oxygen atom?

Oxygen atom + 2 electrons gives Oxide, an oxygen ion (charge: 2 minus)In chemical symbols: O + 2e- --> O2-

What kind of charge would the oxygen atom have compared to the oxygen?

The oxygen atom is neutral.

If an atom has eight protons how many electrons does it have?

It would have 8 electrons because the negative charge and positive charges have to cancel or balance each other out in order to make a stable atom of that element, which would be oxygen.

Why the overall charge of the oxygen atom is zero?

The overall charge of any atom is 0. This is because the overall charge is number of protons - number of electrons. For every atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons so it is 0.

How many electrons does oxygen have with a negative 2 charge have?

A negative 2 charge means that the oxygen is richer in two electrons. The configuration of oxygen is: 1s22s22p4 and we can conclude that it has 8 electrons. For the atom to be neutral the amount of protons must be the same. Oxygen atom has 8 neutrons. Let's add the two electrons to the eight, so the oxygen will be on negative 2 charge. To summarize, the amount of electrons - 10, protons- 8, neutrons - 8.