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Gram-positive bacteria have much thicker peptidoglycan layers than do gram-negative ones. When you apply the crystal violet dye, the molecules are small enough to penetrate the cell walls of all bacteria. Then, the addition of iodine makes the dye molecules too large to pass through thick peptidoglycan. The violet dye gets trapped inside only the gram-positive bacteria.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Thick layer of peptidoglycan. Gram-positive bacteria retain a crystal violet-iodine complex and stain blue-purple.

Source: Bio Lab Manual Mader 10th Edition

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Q: What chemical associated with the cell wall gives gram - positive bacteria its final color?
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Gram-positive does not refer to a positive charge, but to the purple color of the stain. Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the purple dye and are instead red in color.

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Over destaining can cause the purple color from the gram positive bacteria to be washed away, so when you apply the safrinin the gram positive bacteria will take up a pink color causing gram positive bacteria to appear gram negative.

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gram staining differentiates between gram negative and gram positive bacteria by showing different colors. it shows blue or purple like color for gram positive bacteria and red color for gram negative bacteria. where as simple stain gives the same color to all the types of bacteria. hence it is difficult to differentiate between them.

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There is no color traditionally associated with the trait "positive." Some colors, like green for go or blue for sadness, just seem to match up to a word, but nobody's ever done that with positive.

What color is gram-negative stain?

Red or pink. Gram Positive = Purple or Violet, Gram Negative = Red or Pink. I just think of the mnemonic Positive-Purple both starting with P.

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A yellow color indicates a positive mannitol test. This means that the organism can ferment mannitol, producing acid which causes the phenol red indicator to turn yellow.

What is Gram staining method used for?

the purpose is to determine diffrent kinds of bacteria based on their results. if it'sgram positive the color will be pink and if it is gram negative the color will be red.

What does gram negative on a serratia marcescens gram stain mean?

Gram-negative on a Serratia marcescens gram stain means that the bacterium has a cell wall that does not retain the crystal violet stain used in the gram staining procedure. This indicates that Serratia marcescens has a thin peptidoglycan cell wall, and the outer membrane contains lipopolysaccharides.

What is the color of staphylococcus aureus after gram staining?

Post ID Special:Contributionssaid: "blue-violet.....because it is a gram-negative bacteria"Wrong...the color is correct, but S. aureus is gram-POSITIVE.