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detergent and sanitizers........

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Q: What chemical solution use to sanitizing area?
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Related questions

What chemical solution use in sanitizing service areas?

This substance is sodium hypochlorite.

Why is chlorine the chemical solution use for sanitizing?

For disinfection are used sodium hypochlorite or chlorine; chlorine is a killer for microorganisms.

Is it possible to use too much sanitizer in your sanitizing solution?


Is it posible to use too much sanitizer in your sanitizing solution?


What are the 3 chemicals use sanitizing kitchen tools and equipments?

5 chemical

A food handler notices that water temperature of the sanitizing solution is too low. should the food handler use the sanitizing solution to sanitize pans?

Do u live the pans in twice or double sanitice

What is the definition of sanitizer?

Cleaning with a solution or method that will kill bacteria.Cleaning with a solution or method that will kill bacteria.

How is cleaning differentiated from sanitizing?

cleaning is by removing all visible dirt and grime but does not kill the microorganism unlike sanitizing is reducing the numbers of pathogenic microorganism to a safe level through the use of chemical and/or moist/heat.

How do you sanitise food stroage and food preparetion?

Make a a sanitizing solution of one teaspoon of bleach to one quart of water and use it for wiping surfaces.

What is the best solution to use for area carpet cleaning?

The bets solution to use for area carpet clenaing is the Bissel cleaning solution. I use it for all of my spot stains.

Why do biologist use solutions that are aqueous?

biologist used aqueous solution to perform chemical test as this solution behaves as the medium for chemical reaction and is also the medium of chemical reaction in living beings so that is why biologist use aqueous solution.

What would happen if you use the fixer solution before the developer solution?

The chemical on the paper will be fixed and wont develop.