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Q: What class would you take to be a plumber?
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Related questions

Would you take a plumber out to dinner?

Sure, no reason not to.

What do you have to do to become a master plumber?

An engineering degree in fluid dynamics would do the trick.

Who would mend a leak under a kitchen sink?


How much does a plumber charge to install a new water line?

This depends on what material the plumber uses, what fittings the plumber uses, how much piping will be used and how long the plumber will take.

How to find a qualified plumber?

We have a leaky drain and I need to hire a plumber. How would I go about finding a qualified plumber?

What science class would you take after chemistry?

You would take physics

How you become a plumber?

You take a plumbing apprenticeship

What qualafications would you need to be a plumber?

A great start would be atrending a 5 year 10,000 hour apprenticeship with 744 hr class room studies and hands on experience and working uder the auspices f a Master plumber for a total of 7-10 years prior to taking your own masters exams.

Help... I have a clogged sink! Any suggestions?

Before calling in a plumber, it would be wise to try a product such as Liquid Plumber or Drano to unclog your sink drain. Many times it is just a matter of build up in the drain, and these products will take care of that. It is alot cheaper than callin in a plumber.

What do you call a person who mends water pipes?


How do you stop a faucet leak?

If you can't figure out how to fix it yourself I would recomend calling a plumber. They will be able to take care of everything.

How do you tell a plummer from a pipefitter?

stand a plumber and a pipefitter in a sewer in toilet water up to their necks. then take a bat and take a good swing at their heads. the one that ducks is a plumber.