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During Hajj, one can only wear (this would be a better-suited word) an Ihram (a white piece of cloth wrapped around the body).

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Q: What clothes do you take with you to hajj?
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Related questions

Do people have to wear special clothes on the hajj journey?

Yes! They have to wear white clothes.

How do Shiites take part in hajj?

Rituals for Hajj are the same for all the Muslims.

How long did it take to make hajj?

usually hajj rituals takes 7 days.

What chloves do they need to bring to hajj?

Two white untailored sheets of cloth are required to put on during Hajj and Umrah. But after completing Umrah or hajj, the pilgrims put on routine clothes while performing Tawaf and saying prayers.

What percentage of the soldiers traveled on the hajj?

Hajj is a kind of worship. The Muslims perform Hajj. It has nothing to do anything with soldiering or fighting. It is Jihad in which armed men take part, not Hajj.

What do children wear for the hajj?

Simple clothes, usually white. No jewellery or perfume

How fast it take to walk in hajj?

Sa-saye ,is the part of hajj in with you should run normal but not walking.

Why did families make the journey to hajj?

It is not necessary to go on Hajj with all the members of one's family. Anyhow, it is not forbiddent if you take all your family members on Hajj.

Can Muslims take cameras on the Hajj?

no t

What special items do you take to the hajj?


Where will hajj take place in 2012?

Hajj always takes place in the Kaaba, located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Where would one find information on the Hajj?

Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca by Islam followers. Every Muslim must take a Hajj at least once in his lifetime. All information about Hajj is available in every Mosque.