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Q: What color is a radiopaque image on x-ray film?
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What is xray penumbra?

Penumbra is lack of sharpness of the film. It is a fuzzy, unclear area that surrounds a radiographic image and is affected by focal spot size(smaller the better), film composition(larger the size of crystals less sharp the image), and movement during the exposure.

What are digital x rays?

It is an xray that is taken by a computer. Normal x-rays are taken when X radiation passes through you body and reaches a x-ray cassette with film in it. The more dense areas of the body (bones) absorb the x radiation and keep them from hitting the film (called partial absorbtion) thus the bone are lighter white color. Areas such a lungs which have air in them are not as dense as bone and do not absorb x rays thus they are black on film. Other areas with densitys between bone and lung (air) will result in different levels of grays. The film is exposed by the xrays that are not absorbed and partly absorbed by the body. Also it is key to note the xray cassette that hold the film has a screen inside it that is emits a light when hit with xrays. It actually the screen lighting up that exposes the film, which in turn is developed into the traditional xray film. In digital xray there is no film. The xrays expose a photo cell that is connected to a computer. Thus connected to a display. The nice thing about a digital xray is you can adjust the black and gray levels and send the image over the internet to radiologists all over the world. Hope this helps. Do take note that digital x-ray always to be confused with the x-ray radiation as being 'digital'. The fact is only image acquisition is digital and there is so such thing as digital x radiation.

How do you make a dental xray more darker?

when taking a dental xray how do u make it appear on the xray more darker in color?

What is xray film emulsions sensitive to?

X Ray film emulsions are sensitive to light.

What is an xray record of the renal pelvis made after the insertion of a dye through the urethra?

An intravenous pyelogram is a radiographic examination of the kidneys and urinary tract using a radiopaque dye injected into the circulation. It is often abbreviated IVP.

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How do you explain an x ray of a back that has a hand on it as well?

If the patient's hands are in the field of the xray they will appear on the film, so even if they are on the stomach they will appear as if they are over or near the spine. If someone has helped immobilise the patient for the xray, then their hands may appear on the film.

In Xray what is the difference between plain film and plane film?

"Plain film" and "plane film" refer to the same thing in radiology, which is the traditional method of capturing X-ray images on a flat sheet of film. This type of X-ray imaging is being replaced by digital radiography, which provides quicker image acquisition and easier storage and sharing of images.

What is the difference between dental xray and digital dental xray?

A dental x-ray is an image of your mount and teeth that shows the bones and teeth beneath the softer, living tissue. From its invention until very recently, the only was to do this was to place an x-ray source on one side of your mouth and a piece of photographic film on the other. The x-ray would fog the film, creating a helpful image of the insides of the person. In recent years technology has been developed that does not need film for an x-ray. Instead a plate containing-ray sensitive elements is used, much like the photo-sensors in a digital camera. The resulting image goes directly to a computer and need no manual processing. This is what has come to be called a digital x-ray.

Do x-ray films fade?

Everything fades. However, old Xray films are the same as black-and-white photographic film. They last 100 years plus and counting. There is a big business in converting Xray films to computer files and then harvesting the film for the silver.

Does a back xray show adrenal glands?

If by XRAY, you mean a plain film, which is to say a modality that uses Rontgen radiation, then, no. The adrenals need either CT, ultrasound or MRI to visualize the adrenals.

Does a digital X ray expose the patient to less radiation than traditional film X ray?

yes 1 xray give off 1 milirem there are 1,000 milirem in a rem U get more radition from the sun If you work at a nuclear plant you can get 80 milirem a day so please don't worry about xrays at all.please remember that the room have lead in the wall to prevent it from going all over and the xray tech where monitors so they can measure their exposure they are at no risk though