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white as its made up of all the colors but you cant tell with out looking through a prism

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Q: What color is scattered most efficiently by the sun's rays?
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Why is he sky blue in he midle of he day?

The phenomenon is called Rayleigh scattering. White light from the Sun is scattered going through the atmosphere. The Sun's rays coming pretty much straight down aren't scattered much, but rays going sideways through the atmosphere - the sunrise and sunset rays - are scattered. Red light is scattered least, so those sunset rays make it through to make the sky appear red, while blue rays are scattered more. The blue light rays are scattered toward the ground, and this makes the sky appear blue.

When light rays hit a smooth surfer the rays are scattered?

A shadow is formed.

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The best color to use to reflect light rays is white. White is a reflective color. So are most light colors. So white is the best color to use to reflect light rays. :)

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Do the sun rays refract?

The sun's rays are scattered by gases in the atmosphere. They also refract through water droplets in the lower atmosphere to create rainbows.

How does UV rays change the color of beads?

As they rays get weaker the UV beads lose color until its all white which means the UV rays are gone.

Is the sky really purple?

The predominant color of the sky, to human eyes, is blue. Our eyes are less sensitive to the shortest wavelength of violet, which is scattered most in the atmosphere.As a common prism reveals, sunlight is made of all the colors of the rainbow. When light from the sun enters Earth's atmosphere, it is scattered by molecules in the atmosphere. The sky is blue because blue light in the Sun's rays bends more than red light.The phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering is responsible for the BLUE color.(see related link)

Does ice block gamma rays just as efficiently as liquid water?

Ice would block gamma rays better than liquid because it is a more solid Form.

What do you see when parallel rays of light it a bumpy surface you see?

You see the reflected light being scattered in different directions.

What happens when rays of light hits a bumpy surface?

They may be absorbed and converted to heat or reflected in scattered fashion.

Is gamma rays red?

you really cant see gamma rays. but if they had color, they would be violet