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Q: What color wire goes on the positive and negative side of the coil on an 82 Datsun 280zx?
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What color is negative red or green?

red is negative :( green is positive:)

What color battery cable is negative?

Black is negative and Red is positive.

What color wire is the negative?

Black is negative, red is positive - if you've got something where your options are color and white, the white is your negative.

On a car battery which terminal is positive which is negative?

Positive is either red or has a "+" symbol.

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positive is red negitive is black

What color usually represents positive in electricity?

If it is DC then red is positive and black is negative.

Which cable is positive and which is neg?

On a vehicle the red is positive (+) and the black is negative (-). If they are not color coded the cable connected to the starter is positive and the cable connected to the engine or chassis is negative.

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Positive space and negative space

Where are negative and positive posts on a Pontiac aztek battery?

Positive is usually indicated by the color red or by a "+" symbol. Negative is indicated by black or by a "-" symbol.

How do you tell a positive speaker wire from a negative speaker wire?

The positive speaker wire is a solid color, your negative wire should have a stripe on it.

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it can be gram negative or gram positive; which the color would be pink or purple.

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When testing silver nitrate, a whitish color will yield positive results. If the test is negative, the color will turn clear and it will remain transparent.