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Painting is about trial and error. The best way to learn and find your own identity in what you paint is to not search in the answers of others but to ask yourself the questions. My advice to you would be, first of all, to try around and find the joy in it.

So only read the following if you disagree.

To answer your question: if you know how to make orange, all you need to make a brick color is add a little cyan to desaturate it and a little black to darken it, also make sure your orange is closer to red than yellow. A good trick to try if you have any experience with Photoshop and aim to produce a very precise color is to just get an image of a brick from the internet, use the eye-dropper to select it as the foreground color, then click on the foreground color icon to open the color-mixer and check the CMYK. CMYK being Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black wich is the subtractive process of obtaining color (subtractive because it removes light as you add pigment, the light process is additive because if you mix all color wavelengths you get white - just a little trivia if your interested). You can then divide the CMYK percentages into portions of paint.

Example: I got the following results from an image i downloaded from Google search:

C:22 M:87 Y:81 K:12 (pretty much the relative amounts i initially gave you. The percentage here is calculated separately for each color)

Simply round the numbers to C20 M90 Y80 and K10 and translate them to drips of paint, mixing 2 drips of cyan with 9 of Magenta, 8 of Yellow and 1 of Black. Note that if the combined percentages are below 100% you'll have to add the difference with white.

Be sure to get primary colors for this, it's not just any pigments. Be particularly suspicious of most yellows that are sold as primary (many of them contain white and will ruin the saturation of your colors), a medium cadmium should be ideal for making orange. Magenta is also very tricky, a difference in hues here and you'll end up with brown instead of orange. Best way to picture the exact hue is to ask for a violet and a red and then decide wich of the shades of magenta being sold is less blue and less pink and most distinct from the two other paints. Cyan again can suffer from the same problem as yellow or contain small amounts of red, try something a lit lighter than cerulean without being less vivid - think of a summer sky.

Of course all this is very subjective, what i picture to be brick color in my mind could be very different from what you imagine. Also there isn't really a brick color, since brick is essentialy a texture with different hues. But try around and you should come up with something you're happy with. Experimenting is half the fun in painting.

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