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It would look like a very, very, very, very yellowy orange.

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Q: What colour is a yellow object under a red light?
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What colour is a white object under yellow light?

Why do you call it a "white object" ? Could it be because it looks white under white light ... light composed of every color ? Well then, the object must reflect every color. So it appears to be the color of whatever light you illuminate it with. Yellow under yellow light, etc.

What will a yellow object look like when under a yellow light?

An object that appears yellow under white light will have a tendency to maintain its distinctly yellow appearance when bathed in yellow light.

How do colored objects look under colored lights?

If the light is or contains the colour the object it is striking, then the object will appear to be the colour it originally is. If the light is not or does not contain the colour the object it is striking, then object will appear black. This is because an object will only reflect the light that is the same colour as it, all other light is absorbed. For example: Red, yellow, magenta, and white light will make a red object appear red as they all contain red light. Blue, green and cyan light will make a red object appear black.

What colour would white shoes appear under a yellow disco light?

white shoes appear white because it reflects all 7 colours of white light when fallen on to it.Therefore if only yellow light is fallen on to this object it would give out light rays which are yellow in colour . so shoes would appear yellow.

When a balloon appears yellow under a white light what colour will it be under a green light?

It will be green

What colour would a green object look under yellow light and why?

violet, becasue of how the colours react to each other and how they work together to form green.

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it absorbs all the colours of light?

it will be black

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it reflects all the colours of light?


What colour would a red object look under a red light?


Why an object appears yellow in daylight appears red when illuminated with red light and red when illuminated with magenta light?

Our eyes only see the colours red, green and blue, in varying levels. It is our brain that converts combinations of these into the many millions of colours that we can perceive.An object that appears yellow under white light is reflecting colours that cause both our red and green cones (cells in our eyes that respond to colour) to fire. Note we have no yellow cones in our eyes.When the same object is placed under red light, then only red light is reflected from the object, and thus only the red cones respond, causing us to see the object as red.

What colour would a green object look under a red light and why?

A green object would look blaack in a red light because coloured objects absorb all colours except the colour they are, so a green object absorbs 6 colours (red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet) and reflects 1 (green). In this situation, there is no green light to reflect and it can't reflect other colours, so it looks black. :)

What would a red object look like under a yellow light?

Blue appears black under a yellow light. For example if you have a blue car and you put a yellow light on it will appear black due to the absence of color. The light has nothing to reflect back.