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Q: What colour would a white object be if a blue light shone on it?
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What colour does red paper look like when white light is shone on it?

It looks red.

When white light is shone on red ink dried up on a glass plate what is the reflected colour?

When white light shines on red ink dried on a glass plate, the reflected color will be red. This is because the red ink absorbs all other colors in the white light spectrum and reflects only the red light, giving it its red appearance.

What would a red object look like shone onto a white light?


What happens when white light is shone onto a coloured object?

The colored object absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others. The wavelengths that are reflected determine the color that our eyes perceive. So, when white light is shone onto a colored object, the object absorbs some of the light and reflects the rest in a way that our eyes see as its specific color.

Why do coloured objects red green blue look coloured when white light is shone on them?

Colored objects appear in specific colors because they absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others. When white light, which contains all visible wavelengths, is shone on them, these objects selectively reflect the wavelengths corresponding to their color and absorb the rest. This selective reflection is what allows us to perceive them as colored.

What colour will a white object appear if only red light was shone on it?

Red. The colour of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light it reflects and absorbs, and a white object is one that reflects light across the visible spectrum. If only red light shines on it, it will reflect that light. In contrast, a black object appears black because it doesn't reflect any visible wavelengths, so would still appear black. Any object that doesn't reflect the wavelength of light you're using (eg blue objects) would also appear black because it isn't reflecting any light.

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it reflects all the colours of light?

The object will appear white. When an object reflects all colors of light equally, it will appear white because white light is a combination of all colors in the visible spectrum.

What colour is a blue object when white light shines on it?


What colour will blue be in a green light?

Blue what ? ! ? Do you mean an object that appears blue in white light ? Such an object appears black in green light.

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it absorbs all the colours of light?

If an object absorbs all colors of light and reflects none, it will appear black under white light. This is because black is the absence of any reflected light.

What will be the colour of a yellow object in a dark room while white light falls on it?

Black will be the color of a yellow object in a dark room while white light falls on it.

Why does an object appear red when white light is shone on it?

An object appears red when white light is shone on it because the object selectively absorbs all other colors in the white light spectrum except for red. The red light is reflected off the object's surface, which our eyes perceive as the color red.