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6th grade sci teach made me remember that hydrogen and other gases

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Q: What component causes the sun to give off light and heat?
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What process cause stars to give off heat and light?

what causes stars to give off heat and light is when the poporazzi abushes them and they get really mad...that would be the heat. and the flashes form the cameras would be the light

Why are high resistance materials useful in light bulbs?

The filament in a light bulb causes the light bulb to heat up and give off life.

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heat and light

What causes the surface of the sun to emit light and heat?

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The reason why you have heat and light from the sun is because?

Nuclear fusion within the Sun causes it to give off infared radiation and electromagnetic radiation.

Evaporation happens quicker through light or heat energy?

It is heat that causes evaporation. Light is significant only to the extent that it is a source of heat.

What causes a rattling noise when car is stationary and when accelerating?

Possibly a loose heat shield or other component.

What causes heat and light in stars?

The heat and the light in stars is the same thermal nuclear fission that our Sun (a star) produces.

How does give give out heat?

All energy converters will give out heat. Tv's will get energy from their source and convert it to sound, light and heat energy.

What is an electric component that transforms electric energy into heat and light?

That is a light bulb, or any filament such as the one in a radiant electric fire.

What kind of energy does a heat lamp give?

heat and light energy