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APEX....*The Great Compromise*<3

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The Great Compromise

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Great Compromise

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Q: What comprimise allowed for two houses in the legislative branch representation in one house would based on population and representation and the other house would be on equal votes per state?
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What was the representation compromise?

The Representation Compromise gave both large states and small states the type of representation they asked for. This was done by changing the representation standards in the houses of Congress. Large states had wanted representation based on population. This standard was accepted in the House of Representatives, which allowed the number of representatives to be determined by state population. Smaller states wanted equal representation, despite population size. This was accepted by the Senate, in which all states have the same number of representatives.

Why did small states want representation by state?

Large states wanted to base representation in Congress on population. Smaller states supported the New Jersey Plan, which would have allowed each state to have an equal vote.

What is the legislative not allowed to do?

suck dck and enjoy it

What is the legislative branch not allowed to do?

suck dck and enjoy it

Which compromise allowed for two houses in legislative branch?

The 'Great Compromise' also known as the Connecticut Compromise, created the House of Representatives and the Senate - the house being represented by population and the Senate equally

What allowed the slave states to count their slaves?

The Three-Fifths Compromise in the United States Constitution allowed slave states to count three-fifths of their enslaved population for the purposes of determining representation in Congress. This compromise gave slave states more political power in the federal government.

Told the colonists that the king and parliament have the right to tax the colonies even though the colonists are not allowed to have parliamentary representation?

The Declaratory Act gave the king and parliament the right to tax the colonies. Even though the colonists are not allowed to have parliamentary representation.

Why is no taxation without representation an unfair statement?

This is an unfair statement because colonists werent allowed to be apart of the Parliament and they had no say... also the had no representation so it wasnt fair

What was the comprimise of 1850?

it was when the states were split up and told whether or not slaveery was allowed. thank you,Maria Wilson

What factors allowed the founding fathers to justify and encourage the American revolution?

Taxation without representation.

Which is the largest branch of state government?

The largest branch of the US government is the Legislative Branch.It is made up of two houses: Congress, and the House of Representatives.Congress has a population of 100. It has equal representation, meaning each of the 50 states is allowed 2 senators each.The House of Representatives is based on proportional representation, meaning the number of representatives given to a state is determined by that state's population. There are a total of 435 representatives.Since there are 100 senators and 435 representatives, the Legislative Branch has a total of 535 people.On the other hand, the Executive Branch has one person (the President) along with his handful of cabinet members, and the Judicial Branch (the Supreme Court) is made up of 9 judges.Therefore, the Legislative Branch is the largest branch of the US government.But there has been many argument about which one is bigger between Legislative and Executive. So go with it.

What did Edmund Randolph propose?

Edmund Randolph (1753-1813) presented the Virginia Plan, which favored large states by proposing proportional representation in both houses of Congress, on May 29, 1787. His plan for creating a new government also proposed a strong central government composed of three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial, and allowed the legislative to veto state laws and use force against states that failed to fulfill their duties.