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Africa (and the spanish-speaking country is Equatorial Guinea).

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Q: What continent has the Spanish-speaking country with the smallest population?
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Which of the French speaking countries is the smallest?

By population Monaco is the smallest country with French as an official language.French is spoken in Andorra but it is not official.

Smallest french speaking country?

The smallest French-speaking country in terms of land area is Seychelles, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. In terms of population, the smallest French-speaking country is Monaco, a microstate located on the French Riviera.

Which country has the smallest spanish speaking population?

There are many countries that have a Spanish-speaking population of ZERO, including: China North Korea South Korea Japan Vietnam Taiwan Laos Burma Sri Lanka Iran

What is the only spanish-speaking country located on the continent of Africa?

The only country in Africa where Spanish is an official language--or at least spoken by a large segment of the population--is Equatorial Guinea.

What is the Spanish speaking country with smallest population?

The smallest country with a Spanish-speaking population, in terms of overall population, can be given two titles. The first is none other than Equatorial Guinea in Middle Africa. Equatorial Guinea has a population just over 670 000, the majority speaking the Spanish language. Equatorial Guinea is also the only country outside of Latin America and Western Europe with Spanish as an official language. The second is Andorra, a small country at the French-Spanish border. Whilst Andorra is significantly smaller than Equatorial Guinea, having a population of only 85 000, Spanish is not an official language there. The official language is Catalan, but Spanish is still widely spoken. Although not countries, Puerto Rico and Gibraltar have small Spanish-speaking populations, and Bonaire and Aruba (also not countries - Dutch Caribbean islands) have small percentages of population who speak Papiamento, a Spanish-based creole.

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No Australia is the worlds smallest continent. It is geographically a large country. with a relatively small population. however there are many country's in the world with a smaller population.

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Europe has the smallest country - the Vatican.

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Europe has the smallest country, however Oceania is the continent with the majority of its countries being some of the smallest in the world.

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Australia is the smallest continent, but it is not the largest country. In terms of land area, Australia is the world's sixth largest country.

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Australia is the smallest continent in the world. Australia is the only considered continent to also be a country.

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The smallest country in South America is Suriname.

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Europe has the smallest country, however Oceania is the continent with the majority of its countries being some of the smallest in the world.

Which is the smallest population country?

the smallest population is France lol

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The only continent that has a capital city happens to be the smallest continent, Australia, which is also a country. The capital of Australia is Canberra.