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Asia definitely since it is the largest and most diverse

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Q: What continent has the most number of religions in the world?
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Which continent is where the world major religions began?

The major religions of the world began in different continents. For example, Hinduism and Buddhism originated in Asia, Judaism originated in the Middle East, Christianity originated in the Middle East/Europe, and Islam originated in the Middle East.

Which continent has the most different religions?

Asia is the continent with the most different religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and others. This diversity in religious beliefs can vary significantly by country and region within Asia.

What are the main eastern religions?

Buddhism, Sikhism

What are Africa's basic beliefs?

Africa is the world's second largest and most populous continent, following Asia. Africa is home to many religions, with less than 15 percent following traditional African religions. Islam is the largest religion on the continent with Christianity as second.

What religions grew out of Christianity?

A number of religions developed out of Christianity. The most important of these is Islam.

What is the most intelligent continent in the world?

Intelligence is not specific to continents as it varies among individuals regardless of geographic location. Each continent has a diverse range of intellect and capabilities among its population.

What is the most mountainous continent?

Asia is the most mountainous continent, with some of the highest mountain ranges in the world including the Himalayas, Karakoram, and Pamir ranges.

What statement best describes the indigenous religion of much of sub-Sahara Africa?

The indigenous religion of much of sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by a belief in a supreme being, ancestral veneration, and spirits embodying natural elements. It emphasizes harmony with nature, community, and the spiritual realm, with rituals playing a central role in maintaining balance and connection with the divine.

What is the most biggest continent of the world?

Asia is the largest continent in the world, covering approximately 30% of Earth's land area. It is home to the highest and lowest points on Earth, Mount Everest and the Dead Sea, as well as the most populous country, China.

Which number continent is Asia?

Asia is the largest and most populous continent.

In what region are ethnic religions most widely practiced?

Ethnic religions are most widely practiced in regions where they originated, such as Hinduism in South Asia, Shinto in Japan, and African traditional religions in sub-Saharan Africa. These religions are intimately tied to specific cultural and geographical contexts, which is why they are predominantly practiced in those regions.

What is different about Asia continent?

The word "different" implies a comparison of the continent Asia with the other continents. The simple answer would be - it is another continent. Every continent is different. The following are notable about the continent Asia. # It is the largest continent on our planet. # It is the most populous continent. # It has the highest number of countries. # It has the highest number of ethnic groups. # It has the highest variety of skin tones and colour among its peoples. # It has the highest number of spoken languages. # It has the highest number of ## Arab speaking peoples. ## Chinese speaking people ## Hebrew speaking people. ## Hindi, Tamil, Malayalee or Urdu speaking people. ## Japanese speaking people. ## Malay and Indonesian(a dialect of Malay) speaking people. ## Turkic speaking people. # 484 of the world's tallest peaks/mountains are in Asia. The 485th is in Argentina. # It has the highest number of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Confucianists, Communists and atheists. # All the world's most popular religions originated from Asia: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam. # Asia gave the world its seven day week with a rest day through Judaism, which also originated in Asia.