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In the Dred Scott v. Sandford, (1857) case, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney held neither slaves nor those descended from slaves could be citizens of the United States and had no legal rights to sue. He supported his argument with a long and tortured analysis of the Founding Fathers' intentions in writing the Declaration of Independence and framing the Constitution, and concluded that African-Americans were deliberately excluded as citizens, and were, therefore, property.

Taney next expounded on the property rights of white citizens with regard to slaves, and determined it was illegal for a free state or territory to deprive a man of his property while in those states, while simultaneously acknowledging the slavery was a state's rights issue.

Taney next turned his attention to Congress and declared it did not have the right to prohibit slavery in territories held collectively by the states, or to force new states formed from federal territory to adhere to agreements such as the Missouri Compromise, which was designed to prevent slaveholding from expanding. This rendered the Missouri Compromise null and void.

The decision in Dred Scott was one of the primary catalysts to the start of the Civil War.

Case Citation:

Dred Scot v. Sanford, 60 US 393 (1857)

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Q: What controversial US Supreme Court ruling held African-Americans had no rights and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories?
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