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You need to got to a doctor, it's more than likely a boil and just needs to be lanced.If not a boil you need to go and have it checked anyway.

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Q: What could a knot be that is about the size of a hen egg on the back of the neck?
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Could a nickel-size hard knot on the back of my neck be something besides a cyst?

A doctor will be able to tell you.

What would it be causing my cat to have a lump or knot on his back around his neck I have just noticed it it is about the size of a robin's egg?

it could bea cyst see a vet asap

Hard lump back left side of neck with no pain?

i have a hard spot on the back left side of my neck, not pea size. more of like a muscle. child's fist size.could that be just a permanent knot in my neck? or something to worry about? ask doctor

I have a knot on back of my right ear. It's the size of a quarter like It hurts from the area in front of my ear above my ear lobe back to above the knot its real tender. what could it be?

Just a possibility: you have lymyph nodes back there which could be swollen due to some infection your body is dealing with. It could also be a clogged lymph node. Either way, probably better see a Doc.

Can a woman take a dogs knot?

Yes although whether or not the knot will stay in her depends on the size of the woman and the size of the dog.

Why is my 4 yr old has a hard painless knot on the back of her head this knot is small to medium size and when pressed has a very small amount of clear fluid.?

i think your kid has some problems... Yaker40: Possibly a small wet knot of hair?

Dime size knot on my wrist that is sore what could it be?

It could be a number of things, you need to go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) about it.

Does wearing smaller size bra cause back pain?

some people experience it ans some people don't. But wearing a small bra will cause pain. it could be neck, back or chest.

What does a soft knot on the back of your head mean its on the back between your ears and its the size of a half dollar no headaches just tender to the touch also it seems to be getting bigger?

i have similar issues but this one is in the middle of my neck and a little bigger but i have had the same problems with it we think that we can have surgery to remove it and that's what were are planning to do we went in for an altra sound and those are good to have done.

What could a knot behind your left ear be that has been there for as long as you can remember but it doesn't hurt and could it be thyroid cancer?

A knot behind your left ear is probably a lymph gland. However, thyroid tissue can infrequently be found in other areas of the body outside of its normal placement. Early in embryonic development, the thyroid gland forms near the brain and migrates downward to its normal position in the lower neck. Sometimes "pieces" can be left behind during migration that function like normal thyroid tissue. Additionally, thyroid tissue can sometimes be found in the chest cavity or other body parts when the migration process has not gone properly.If you are worried about your thyroid, the lump, or cancer, go to your doctor for answers. Make sure you understand his/her explanation fully and ask for it to be noted in your chart including size, so if it appears to have grown you can go back and remeasure and seek further evaluation.AnswerThyroid cancer is in the neck. The knot behind your ear is probably part of your head. If you have had it awhile, and it hasn't grown, it is probably normal. You would have a knot in your neck if it were your thyroid.

What does a series of non painful lumps on the right side of your neck mean note have had for over 3 years and they have not increased in size and have not hurt?

I have a one on my neck as well, it is a 'knot' if you will( different than normal knots people talk about in their neck though). Just imperfections in muscle tissue, and harmless. Depending on where some them are, they could also be lymph nodes. Next time you see a doctor for what ever you can bring it up if you are so inclined but I would not worry about it too much.

Lump on the back of your neck it come and goes?

A lump on the back of the neck that comes and goes could be caused by a variety of factors such as swollen lymph nodes, cysts, or muscle knots. It's important to monitor the size, shape, and any associated symptoms of the lump. If it persists or causes concern, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.