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It could be a cyst or a tumor. A growth that continues to get larger is definitely something you should call a doctor about. No one can diagnose your health problems online -- even based on the symptoms you provided. You should contact a medical professional/gynecologist for answers to your specific questions and to get an in-person evaluation and any necessary tests or medications.

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Q: What could be the causes of a vaginal growth that has gotten larger?
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Bon Ton. Please answer my question if you know it. Its Does a vaginal get larger after you get your period?

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Vaginal scent is a result of bacteria within the vagina - the vagina is naturally acidic to maintain a healthy balance of 'good' and 'bad' bacteria, during menstruation the blood effects vaginal pH so causes imbalance in the 'good' and 'bad' bacteria, also blood is nutritious to bacteria.Tampons can cause bad odour because they give bacteria the perfect environment to multiply upon and by keeping blood in contact with the vagina they have a larger effect on vaginal pH. Thus also why tampons are linked to TSS and commonly increase vaginal infections.

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