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if your vehicle has air conditioning the smell could be caused by build up of bacteria on the heater matrix and in the vents, as this bacteria decays it causes a smell inside the cabin, this can be resolved by purchasing air specialist air con cleaner the is sprayed into the sir vents. the smell can also be caused by the heating of leaking coolant from the heater matrix, this would also combined with the car steaming up, check the coolant level to see if it has dropped. answer can also be caused by moisture getting into carpets etc, in the winter months, like snow on your shoes or just water. this will fet into under felt under carpet. a good airing out in a warm garage or a nice sunny day wit all windows and oors open will generally fix this

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Q: What could be wrong if your car smells very musty but you cannot find any leak and the carpets are not wet?
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Bad Odor. Smells of sweat.

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How do you remove musty smell in car?

If you have air fresheners it might help. But if the smell is coming from the seats you might need to replace the fabric on the seats. It just depends on where the smell is coming from. Also worth trying are Febreeze spray on the carpets and fabric (it may require repeated applications) and/or Bounce dryer sheets under the seats. Depending on where and what the smell is, shampooing the carpets and upholstery may be effective. Try to keep the interior of the car as dry as possible, musty smells could be mold or mildew which love moisture. Repair any leaks that can be found (trunks are horrible for getting wet and breeding molds and mildew, check yours if you have one).

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The musty smell that Brian notices when he wakes up is caused by the dampness and mold growth in the shelter. The combination of moisture and lack of ventilation can create a musty odor.

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If it smells musty check the evaporator drain hose hose. Johnny Texas.

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After rain the air is moist and so will contact surface dust on dry surfaces. As the water evaporates it picks up tiny particles of dust into the air, which you inhale through your nose and smells musty.

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in a car you can do whateva you want in a taxi you got to deal with a musty driver whi smells like kung fu and sweat

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If the cap is secure, you can keep it indefinitely! Practically, one summer. If it smells "off' or musty, Discard!

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if it smells musty, try leaving the door open so it will dry quicker we have a duet front-loader, and it will smell musty if we leave the door shut, so we leave it open for an hour or two after washing clothes to let it dry out