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If there are red marks or ulcers on the body this is due to a bacterial infection, most likely caused by dirty water. Torn fins can be due to a condition known as Fin rot disease. U can try treating the water with a Fin rot remedy, and get some anti-bacterial solutions to add to the water. Your pet shop should provide these.

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Q: What could be wrong if your goldfish has blood spots and deteriorating fins?
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My goldfish has spot help?

A male goldfish developes white spots when he is about to fertilize the females eggs. It could be possible that you have a male and a female! Congrats!!!

Could a male goldfish grow spots on the gils even if theere is no female?

Yes the spots are only an indication that the fish is male and in breeding condition.

When fish get pregnant does a black spots?

Goldfish do not get pregnant. They are egg layers. Black spots on goldfish have nothing to do with their breeding condition.

What is a goldfish that is white all over and barely gold spots?

Not a goldfish anymore.

I have an ill goldfish with white spots what do I do?

take it out

Why do goldfish have red spots on them?

because they are sick dummy

What are goldfish diseases?

There are diseases such as ich (white spots) which can be treated with salt. They can get to your pet goldfish easily and expert websites will have answers.

How do you get rid of black spots on goldfish?

It's regalar to have that on a gold fish

Is the hematoma has red or purple spots in the skin?

If a hematoma has red or purple spots, it could be a bruise or something more serious. It could mean a person is suffering from a disorder or blood problem.

What is air bubble looking spots on goldfish fins?

Probably "ick". It needs to be treated.

Can you see the boy's goldfish spots on the fin?

it can be its breeding tubercles... if you have a female... they might spawn!!!!

What is the white fluff on your goldfish?

That is actually Excriment. It is him using the toilet.