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I don't think there is anything they could have done. The difference in industrial potential between Japan and the United States was so vast that we would inevitably overwhelm them regardless of strategic decisions. Consider the fact that before the war both Japan and the united States had been building about one aircraft carrier a year. During the war Japan continued to build about one a year, that was all they could do. During the course of the war the United States built over one hundred aircraft carriers, about thirty per year. Whatever the Japanese could build, we could build ten or fifty or a hundred times as many. You just can't win against odds like that if the enemy has the will to fight. What you need to understand is that the Japanese knew this. Admiral Yamamoto said before Pearl Harbor that they would be able to have the advantage for about six months but after that they would be forced on to the defensive and gradually pushed back. Their strategy, hope really, was that their initial victories would so demoralize the U.S. that we would make peace. That was a profound misunderstanding of the American character. Michael Montagne Nothing, for some way or another US would have WON the war (becouse of his amazing Industrial Power), but if Jappan overcome his errors and mistakes the war would have longed 2 more years and Allied Casualties would have been much higher.

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Q: What could the Japanese have done to overcome their mistakes and or bad decisions so that they might have won the war?
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