

What countries does spinach grow in?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Central and Southwestern Asia

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Q: What countries does spinach grow in?
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How do you grow spinach?

How do you grow spinach? You put it in dirt and watch it grow. o.O Or you buy it out of a can. :l

Do spinach grow on trees?


Which country does spinach grow in?


Does spinach have caffeine?

Of course not!!!!!!!! Spinach helps you grow! All caffiene does is not let you sleep!!!!

Can you plant spinach seeds and grow spinach?

Of course! All vegetables and fruits have seeds and can be grown.

Whot doesnt belong with onion garlic carrot and spinach?

I think its spinach I'm not sure

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When is the best time to grow spinach?

during the winter

Is spinach a short day plant?

No, spinach is a long day plant. It requires more than 12-14 hours of daylight to grow and thrive.

When did spinach get importe to north America?

Spinach did get imported to North America countries like Canada and the United States when the rains are scarce.

What edible plants grow in Bulgaria?

many like spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, bringles

What crops do kenyan people grow?

Kenyans grow many crops some vegetable crops are cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, and potatoes