

What countries have mixed economies?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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Brazil, Russia, France, Spain, Indonesia, China, Germany, Japan and maybe the United States.

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No he wasn't.

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Q: What countries have mixed economies?
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Why are most economies refered to as mixed economies?

poverty is always higest in countries with market economies

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Why are most modern economies referred as mixed economies?

poverty is always higest in countries with market economies

Why do most countries have mixed economies?

As long as a government (local, state or national) taxes its businesses and households, there will be a mixed economy.

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None. All economies today - with perhaps the exception of some isolated tribes - are mixed economies.

Why more modern economists are mixed economies elaborate?

Most mixed economies can be described as market economies with strong regulatory.

Why do most countries operate somewhere between a command and market economy?

Nearly all modern economies in the world today have characteristics of both market and command economic systems. That is why they are called mixed economies. Traditional economies are very hard to find and could not function effectively for a whole nation. Nearly all the countries in Southwest Asia today would best be described as mixed economies, as they have the characteristics of a free market and free enterprise as well as some government planning and control.

Most economies have what economists call?

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all economies today are actually (mixed)

Countries with mixed economic system?

Almost every country in the world is a mixed economic system, there are no real pure capitalistic or pure command economies any more. Nations either have a capitalistic economy (which is mixed but more capitalistic than socialistic) or mixed command economies (which has a private sector but this is dwarfed by the public sector).

Is a mixed economy the same as a market economy?

No. When we say "market economy," we likely mean to say a free market economy-an economy unfettered with government policy interventions. This is usually stated in opposition to a planned command economy-planned by government personnel. Neither of these extremes exist in the real world. World economies are mixed economies. The difference between countries is the degree to which they are mixed. Economies such as Cuba and the former Soviet Union tend toward the command economy whilst economies such as Hong Kong and Singapore are cited as the freest market economies.