

Best Answer

Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judea;




Macedonia (Alexander the great);

Seleucid Empire;

Hasmonean Kingdom;

Roman Empire;

Byzantine Empire;

Muslim Arabs who invaded Palestine in 637 and conquered it - Rashidun Caliphate;

Umayyad Caliphate;

Abbassid Caliphate;

Fatimid Caliphate;




Crusaders (Kingdom of Jerusalem);

Ayyubid Caliphate;

Ottoman Sultanate;

British Empire;


What's curious: when somebody - Romans, Arabs, Turks...- conquers the land of the Jews, the world does not say a word and seems quite content. But when Jews re-conquer their land back, the world all of a sudden starts talking about the "inadmissibility of gaining land by military means", about "International Law" and pronounces many other high-flying words demanding Jews and Israelis to cede the land of Judea and Israel that were named so after the people who lived there for thousands years to Arabs for whom Judea and Israel all of a sudden became the "motherland" (who can explain to me, what Arabia is then?)

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Q: What countries owned the land that is now Israel before it gained independence?
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