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During WW II, the term "Allies" referred to England, France, the US, Russia, Canada, and Australia.

The Holocaust was an attempt to kill all the Jews in the world (along with members of other groups that the Nazis disliked, which included homosexuals, communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the mentally ill) and which did kill six million Jews, although not all the Jews in the world. It had a negative affect on the lives of German Jews, almost all of whom were killed, except for those who were able to flee the country in time. It was the most horrible persecution in human history.

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Q: What countries were the allies what is the Holocaust how did the Holocaust affect the life of the Jews people in Germany?
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What countries were affected by the Holocaust?

The countries affected were:GermanyAreas annexed by Germany (such as Austria, the Czech lands)German satellite states (like Slovakia)Countries invaded by Germany, like the NetherlandsMost of Germany's allies, especially Croatia and Romania

What solved the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was not 'solved'. Rather it was stopped when Nazi Germany was defeated by the Allies.

What concluded the Holocaust?

The various camps were liberated by the Allies, and the Allied victory over Germany put a definitive end to the Holocaust.

What is the two sides name that fought in the holocaust?

The Allies and the Axis. America was on the side of the Allies. Nazi Germany was on the side of the Axis.

Which countries were the allies in the Holocaust?

Allies: U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Union are the most recognized "Allies" (before 1941, Great Britain, France, and Poland) Axis: Germany, Italy, and Japan. ____________ The question confuses the Holocaust with World War 2. See the related question.

What started with A at the holocaust?

Auschwitz (the largest concentration camp, located in Poland) The Allies (the countries Canada, U.S.A., Great Britain, France, who fought against Germany) Adolf Hitler (the leader of Nazi Germany at the time)

What 2 countries were allies?

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Why did some nations decide not to intervene in the Holocaust?

The question suggests that many countries in some sense "intervened" [to stop] the Holocaust, but that a few didn't do so. In fact, no country "intervened" in order to stop the Holocaust. No country went to war against Nazi Germany because of the Holocaust. (Israel didn't exist as a clearly defined or independent country at the time). Politics doesn't work like that. In fact most countries that fought against Germany did so because they were attacked by Germany or one of its allies.

Why did Germany's Allies dropping out the war?

Because they were defeated in battle, and their countries were occupied by the Allies.

What country besides America contributed to the holocaust?

American and her other allies (not under occupation) did not contribute to the Holocaust, they were 'Bystanders' - neither victim nor perpetrator. Germany and many of her allies contributed to the Holocaust, either by helping murder Jews, or by deporting them to be murdered.

Why did the Allies fly food and supplies into Germany?

Because if the allies had no food and supplies they would have to retreat.

What name was given to the countries at war with Nazi Germany?

The Allies