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Q: What country colonized Australia for the purpose of relocating prisoners?
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What European country colonized Australia?

great britain was the country that colonized australia

What country were Australia's first settlers from?

The British put their prisoners there.

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The country that colonized Chile was Spain

The prisoners used to colonize Australia in the late 1700's were primarily from which country?

These prisoners were primarily from England, but a good proportion were Irish political rebels.

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Spain is the European country that colonized Panama.

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Spain was the European country that colonized Venezuela.

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The French colonized Cambodia.

Why did they use Australia for prison when people lived in Australia when they can us another country?

to populate the colony. many woman prisoners were sent as well as men

What country had originally colonized Florida?

The country that originally colonized the state of Florida was the Spanish.

Why did the British want to colonize Australia and new zealand?

because they had already colonized Australia so they decided to colonize the country next to it.

What country colonized Nicaragua?

Spain colonized the country Honduras. Chistopher Columbus came to Honduras and colonized it.