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Generally leguminous plants i.e.,plants of Family Fabaceae have root nodules inhabited by nitrogen fixing bacteria such as Rhizobium leguminosarum,which retains and increases the nitrogen content in the soil.

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Q: What crop can replace nitrogen in soil so it will retain its fertility?
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How do you determine which fertilizer to use?

Decide whether the crop to be grown will be organic or standard commercial.If organic, select manure (if autumn applied) or compost (if spring applied).If commercial, sample the soil in several locations of the field.Have soil sample tested.Follow fertility recommendation on report.If no soil sample is to be taken, analyze cropping history of field.Determine how much nutrients each crop has removed from the soil AND how much fertilizer has been added for each.Calculate fertility needs for new crop for each nutrient and apply same.

Why should manures and fertilizers be added to the soil?

manures and fertilizers should be added to the soil so that the fertility could be is also used to give the soil nutrition which is present in less amount and to maintain the health of the crop

What is relationship nitrate and ammonium?

Plants cannot use organic nitrogen directly. "Microorganisms in the soil convert the nitrogen locked up in crop residues, human and animal wastes or compost to ammonium (NH4). A specific group of microorganisms convert ammonium to nitrate (NO3)" 58. Since nitrate is water-soluble, excess nitrate not used by plants can leach through the soil and into the groundwater.

Describe two ways that chemicals can be used to improve crop yields?

1. Chemicals can be used to eliminate pests that harm the plants, such as a pesticide. 2. Chemicals can be used to add the nutrients that the crops need from the ground, such as adding Nitrogen for corn growth.

The yield of the land refers to which of the following?

The amount of crop output from a given area of planted land ion…

Related questions

What can be done to retain the fertility of soil?

The ways to retain the fertility of the soil are crop rotation, animal pasturing (which can be considered fertilizing) and fertilizing either with natural or artificial fertilizers.

Which crop is grown between two cereal crops to restore the fertility of soil?

A legume crop is typically grown to help restore the nitrogen levels.

What are legum?

Legumes are plants that can use nitrogen from the air for growth. This nitrogen can be added to the soil to increase soil fertility. Legumes include peas and beans.

Which crop improve soil and soil fertility?

Pulses (legumes,beans,peas etc) enrich soil fertility. They have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria (rhizobia) and these are found in the root nodules of pulses. Members of the Rhizobium family fix nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil and thus improve soil fertility.

How does crop rotation conserve soil and rainfull?

It's all because of the addition of organic matter. When you increase organic matter content to the soil, it increases fertility, and helps better retain moisture.

What was the benefit of corp rotation?

Crop rotation helps maintain soil fertility and reduce soil-borne disease and pests. Rotate nitrogen-loving plants with those that use little nitrogen. An example is to exchange plots of peas or beans with nitrogen-loving leaf or fruiting crops such as lettuce or tomatoes.

When is the fertility of soil lost?

The fertility of soil is lost when a person grows a particular crop every year.

What is crop removal?

Crop removal is the estimates of crop nutrient removal of nitrogen. This can be done on a calculator.

Why do farmers grow leguminous crops between 2 other plants?

They have nodules on their roots which contain nitrogen fixing bacteria. These take the nitrogen from the air and convert it to nitrogen compounds in the soil which plants use as nutrients. In short, using leguminous plants increases the fertility of the soil.

How can crop rotation help maintain the fertility of soil?

Crop rotation can help maintain the fertility of soil by slowing down nutrient depletion. Different crops may use different or fewer nutrients.

What kind of bacteria annually saved farmers millions of dollars in fertilizer costs?

Bacteria which are part of the Rhizobia family can "fix" nitrogen in the soil when living in a symbiotic relationship with a legume (Fabaceae) plant. The bacteria live in nodules which form on the roots of the plants, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a plant-usable form which is left in the soil for the next crop. Nitrogen is the most-needed crop nutrient of all the fertilizers, and is frequently the most expensive fertility cost for the farmer.

What kind of bacteria annually save farmers millions of dollars in fertile costs?

Bacteria which are part of the Rhizobia family can "fix" nitrogen in the soil when living in a symbiotic relationship with a legume (Fabaceae) plant. The bacteria live in nodules which form on the roots of the plants, converting atmospheric nitrogen into a plant-usable form which is left in the soil for the next crop. Nitrogen is the most-needed crop nutrient of all the fertilizers, and is frequently the most expensive fertility cost for the farmer.