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mystifying yum hight Utah

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Q: What crops did the Celts grow and what animals did they keep?
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What animals did the Celts keep on their farms?

There are quite a few animals that the Celts decide to keep on their farm. These animals include sheet and cows.

What is a synonym farm?

smallholding, ranch, farmstead, station, vineyard, plantation cultivate, work, plant, grow crops, keep animals

What are farmers and herders?

Farmers grow crops like wheat and corn, and herders keep herds of animals like cows or sheep or horses.

What are effigies?

Celts would build effigies out of crops, livestock and other offerings to keep the dead at bay. they're sorta like scarecrow.....lets keep it at that.

What is the meaning of ferlitazer?

Fertilizer is a substance that is used to make crops grow. The Native Americans showed the Pilgrims how to make crops grow by planting dead fish with the seeds. Often manure is used as a fertilizer to make crops grow. Chemicals are used as well to keep bugs, and animals, away, but, the chemical use of fertilizer can have negative side effects.

Why do organic farmers often keep farm animals even if they mainly grow crops?

They use the nutrient value of the animals' manure to help promote crop growth.

What animals did Celts keep?

=The Salmon The Seal The Horse The Red Pony The Hound The Boar & The Sow The Great Wild Cat of Alba=

Why do plains affect people's life?

There good because you can grow home made crops and keep or eat the your self

How did the Celts keep healthy?

By using salt water

Why was the black death bad for landowners?

It wiped out the population of serfs, who were needed to grow and harvest the landowner's crops. Therefore, with no crops brought in, there was no income to keep the manor house going.

What crops do farmers grow?

Farmers grow wheat, corn, barley, oats, millet, peas, beans, peanuts, lettuce, and about a thousand other crops. im most of the countries farmers can grow pretty much anything but the climate is changing so its hard to keep up with the weather

What were two things a homesteader had to do to keep the land the government gave him?

Build a home within 6 months and grow crops