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Q: What did Aborigines do before hunting?
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Tool used for hunting by the aborigines?

they use:knivesarrowssling shots

What is important in aborigines culture?

The hunting and gathering for food and the religion of moieties

What object did the aborigines use for hunting?

Aborigines used spears for hunting, and they used a woomera, which was a spear-thrower. The woomera enabled the hunter to throw the spear much further than by using his arm-strength alone.

What use did Aboriginal Australians have for a spears?

The Aborigines used the spears mainly for hunting animals.

What activity was common for aborigines?

Hunting, mostly for animals by the men and for women they would collect small insects that were not dangerous and fruits and vegetables.

Where did the yo-yo originate?

As with the boomerang to the Australian Aborigines, Yoyo is a hunting tool by the early Filipinos. Mabuhay, Itchie.C2

How did aborigines use plants?

In lots of different ways, food, clothes, weapons, medicine transport, hunting, gatering and lots of other purposes

What responsibilities would you have as a member of the aborigines society?

Your responsibilities would be hunting, food gathering, some arts and crafts, and maintaining ceremonial life.

What does the aboriginal word ku-ring-gai mean?

Ku-ring-gai is variously translated as "belonging to the Aborigines" or "hunting ground of the men".

Why were boomerangs invented?

hunting kangaroos or other animals used by the aboriginals, they threw it and i think it chopped the animalshead off and came back to them

What life did the Aborigines have before White Settlement?

Aboriginals had an easier life

What was life like for the Aborigines as hunter-gatherers?

Aborigines lived nomadically, hunting and gathering their food from the land. They had a deep spiritual connection with the natural world and believed in the interconnectedness of all living things. Their social structure was based on kinship and strong community ties.