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Prior to the US Civil War Frederick Douglas was a freed slave living in the North. He was a self made scholar and newspaper writer. He was also part of the anti slavery abolitionist movement in the North. He was,of course, glad that the Union had prevailed in the Civil War and that all slaves were now free. But he knew that freedom was not enough. Having lived in the North he recognized that for the most part Northerners were against slavery.

Douglas, however, also knew the slavery aside, many Northerners did not believe that former slaves needed to have the same political rights of Whites. Thus, as much as he appreciated the work of pro Black aid societies and the Freedmen's Bureau, freedom alone was not enough. The Freedmen's Bureau was a governmental agency created in 1865 to to ease the transition of slaves to freedom.

Douglas realized and spoke out about the fact that freedom now won was not enough. He wanted equality as well, which was going to be a difficult task. Despite the laws and Constitutional amendments, equality was going to be a long struggle. Sadly, he was correct.

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Q: What did Black scholar Frederick Douglas say about the abolition of slavery in the US?
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Freed slave Frederick Douglas was self educated and was a force for abolition of slavery. He became a well known scholar. Perhaps the best answer to this is that he did not make any major mistakes, however, he avoided a disaster with John Brown. Douglas had been invited by John Brown to his farm in Maryland. He explained his planned slave revolt to Douglas, and asked for his help. Douglas wisely wanted no part of the scheme.

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Fredrick Douglas, a freed slave in the north, was a major writer who helped wrote stories promoting the abolition of slavery.

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Both Frederick Douglas and William L. Garrison made substantial progress in having the US rethink their positions on slavery. Douglas and Garrison used their newspapers to inform Americans about the immorality of slavery. The also spoke in public concerning their ideas about the abolition of slavery in the US long before the US Civil War.

Who said your work does not end with the abolition of slavery but only begins?

Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass

How did the abolitionist Frederick Douglas help the Union's military efforts in 1863?

Frederick Douglas escaped from slavery and became an active abolitionist. He was a self taught scholar and newspaper publisher. Douglas became a recruiter for the Black 54th Massachusetts Regiment. He gained 100 recruits for that unit which included two of his sons.

What was Frederick Douglass' role in the abolition movement?

Douglass wrote essays in abolition newspapers and was an influential speaker against slavery.

What was Douglas view on slavery?

Frederick Douglass was strongly opposed to slavery, as he himself had been enslaved. He believed in the equality and dignity of all individuals, regardless of race, and fought tirelessly for the abolition of slavery through his writings and speeches. He viewed slavery as a grave injustice that needed to be eradicated.

How does Frederick Douglass respond to slavery and the abolition movement?

Federick wanted to free from slavery and have equality with blcks and white.

Who was involved in the Abolition of slavery in America?

Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison and other former slaves was involve in the abolition movement.

Who was involved of abolition of slavery in America?

Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison and other former slaves was involve in the abolition movement.

Why is Frederick Douglas so important?

Because he did a speech that was against slavery.