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During his reign Edward repulsed an invasion, helped restore the King of Scotland to his throne, remitted unjust taxes, and was noted for his generosity to the poor and strangers, and for his piety and love of God. He married to satisfy his people, but he and the queen remained chaste. He is reported to have had the power to heal by touch. Edward built churches, including Westminster Abbey.

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Q: What did Edward the Confessor do to become a saint?
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When was Saint Edward born?

Saint Edward the Confessor, king of England, was born in 1003.

Is the name Edward a saint's name?

Yes, there are several saints named Edward, among them Saint Edward the Confessor.

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King Saint Edward the Confessor was the great uncle of Saint Margaret.

Is their a Saint Edward?

Yes, one especially well known was King St. Edward the Confessor.

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Which King Edward? There were several, including Edward the Confessor, Edward the Martyr, and so forth.

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There are several saints named Edward. Please be specific. However, Saint Edward the Confessor is the patron saint of:difficult marriages English royal family kings separated spouses Sestriere, Italy

What is Name of the king in 1065 in England?

First was Edward the Confessor and after he died it was Harold Godwinson and then William the Conqueror.

What is Edward The Confessor's nationality?

Edward the Confessor was Anglo-Saxon.

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Saint Edward the Confessor built the castle of England as the principal residence for monarchs. Adjoined to the castle, there was the royal burial church, which Saint Edward built for his burial and those of the royal family.

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Edward the Confessor's brother-in-law was Harold godwinson, who was married to Edward's sister.

Did Saint Edward the Confessor build the Westminster Abbey?

Yes, he built westminster abbey in a Norman style! x

What is edward the confessor surname?

Edward Atheling