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Q: What did Gibraltar and Malta guard?
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Does Malta belong to Spain?

yes ,Gibraltar does belong to spain

What modern country is located in the part of Europe that Carthage conquered?

All or parts of the following European countries: Portugal, Gibraltar, Italy, France and Malta.

Where is Malta?

Malta is a Member State of the European Union (EU) ; which is strategically located within the Mediterranean Sea. This strategic position has consistently allowed Malta to eclectically develop as an important International Trading Post. The Malta Freeport is one of the Mediterranean's leading Sea Ports for Container Shipments. The distance between Malta and the nearest point in Sicily (Italy) is 93km. The distance from Malta to the nearest point on the North African Mainland (Tunisia) is 288km. Gibraltar is 1826km to Malta's West and Alexandria is 1510km to it's East.

Why is the strait between Morocco and Spain important?

The Straits of Gibraltar guard the entrance and exit to the Mediterranean Sea.

Name for four island colony ports in the Phoenician trading empire?

Kition (Cyprus) Olbia (Sardinia) Lilybaeaum (Sicily) Maleth (Malta) Calpe (Gibraltar)

How many countries in Europe speak English?

There are five countries in Europe where English is an official or widely spoken language: the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus, and Gibraltar.

Capital of Gibraltar?

The capital of Gibraltar is also Gibraltar

If Germany had taken Gibraltar and had taken Morocco and fortified its west coast would it have prolonged the war in the Mediterranean?

Possibly, since the loss of Gibraltar may have led to the loss of Malta and possibly the U.K.'s African and Middle Eastern possessions once Rommel's supply lines were safe from attack. You would have to consider what Germany would have lost in order to take Gibraltar since the UK would have put up a stubborn fight.

What is the capital Gibraltar?


What countries in Mediterranean zone?

Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, and The United Kingdom (they still hold the Gibraltar rock).

What is a strait in between Spain and morocco?

The Strait of Gibraltar

To what plague was Brucella connected to?

The Brucella bacteria are connected to Brucellosis. Brucellosis is also called Bang's disease, Crimean fever, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, undulant fever and rock fever.