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Initially the Nazis achieved to give the German people what they wanted and needed, simple basic needs such as food, jobs, housing, and a better economy. He stopped abiding by the Versailles Treaty and this helped them greatly. It was after the honeymoon period that the true colors of the evil Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party showed up. Jews were rounded up and imprisoned, then killed. Adolph Hitler tricked nations into signing neutrality and non-aggression pacts then invaded those countries. He rounded up all their Jews too. He used people for slave labor until they died. He waged war on two fronts killing millions of people. He is guilty of the deaths of fifty million people including six million Jews. The Nazis were soundly beaten by the Allied Forces. Adolph Hitler committed suicide. Soon after that the remaining Nazi leaders surrendered to the Allied Forces. Nazis were tried at the Nuremberg Trials. Some were killed and others imprisoned. The Allied Forces did their level best to removed the Nazi influence in the Germany.

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11y ago

He demanded to control the whole of Europe which laded into the world war he also convinced Germans to fight for their country and invade others. The first thing he did was attack Poland he attacked innocent people (Ranging from different ages and sizes). I could go on about what happened but here is too much,


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Yes, from 1933 to 1945.

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they got screwerd

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Q: What did Hitler do when he was the leader?
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What was Adolph Hitler leader of?

Hitler ruled as leader of the Nazi Party of Germany.

What did Hitler do before he was the leader?

Hitler was a member of the Nazi and then worked his way to leader party and then to Chancellor of Germany (leader).

What is Adolf Hitler leader of?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the German Nazi Political Party and the German Leader from 1934 to 1945.

Was Hitler totalitarian leader or fascist leader?


Was HItler a Machiavellian leader?


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What was Adolph Hitler leader of?

Hitler ruled as leader of the Nazi Party of Germany.

What did Hitler do before he was the leader?

Hitler was a member of the Nazi and then worked his way to leader party and then to Chancellor of Germany (leader).

How old was Adolf Hitler when he became leader of Russia?

Hitler was never the leader of Russia.

What is Adolf Hitler leader of?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the German Nazi Political Party and the German Leader from 1934 to 1945.

What counrty was Hitler a leader from?

He was the leader of Germany.

When did Hitler become leader - 48k?

Hitler became leader of Germany on 30 January 1933.

Why do they call Hitler the furlough?

Did you mean Fuhrer? If so, that was because "fuhrer" was German for "leader" and Hitler was the leader.

Who was Hilter the leader of?

Hitler was the leader of the German Nazis

Was Hitler totalitarian leader or fascist leader?


What did Germans call their leader during Adolf Hitler's regime?

When Hitler was in charge of Germany, the German Citizens called Hitler "Fuhrer" German for Leader.

Who was the leader of Germany in 1939?

Adolf Hitler.

Who was the Leader in Germany who started Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler