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Q: What did James Sullivan die from Annie Sullivan's brother Annie Sullivan was Helen Kellers teacher?
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Who is in Helen Kellers family?

in her family was helen , james her brother the parents and her teacher

True or false Helen kellers teacher stayed with her for twenty years?

False. Helen Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, worked with her for about 49 years, from 1887 until Sullivan's death in 1936.

What was Helen Keller's teacher's name?

Helen Keller's teacher's name was Anne Sullivan. She was a visually impaired teacher who helped Helen Keller learn to communicate through touch and sign language. Their close relationship helped Helen overcome her disabilities and achieve great success.

Who was Helen kellers pedogogue?

Anne Sullivan was Helen Keller's teacher and lifelong companion, who played a crucial role in helping Helen overcome her disabilities and learn to communicate. Sullivan used sign language to teach Helen how to understand and communicate with the world around her.

What is Helen Kellers favorite doll?

Helen Keller's favorite doll was named Miss Pinkerton. She cherished this doll greatly as it was a gift from her teacher and mentor, Anne Sullivan. Helen even refers to Miss Pinkerton in her autobiography, "The Story of My Life."

Who was hellen kellers best friend?

Helen Keller's best friend was her teacher and companion, Anne Sullivan. Anne played a crucial role in Helen's education and communication development, helping her overcome the challenges of being deaf and blind. The bond between Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan was deep and enduring.

Is Anne Sullivan a teacher or interpreter or both?

Anne Sullivan was an interpreter and teacher.

What is the name of the school in Helen kellers teacher story?

prerkins shcool

When did Helen Kellers teacher died?

Anne Sullivan taught Helen Keller how to read and write starting when she was 7 years old. She stayed with her up to college, but still continued to help her 32 more years after. That was 50 years of Helen's life!

Who was helens Keller teacher?

Annie Sullivan

Was anne sulivan rich?

Anne Sullivan was not rich. She grew up in poverty and faced many challenges in her early life. She later gained recognition for her work as a teacher for Helen Keller, helping her overcome deafblindness to become a successful author and activist.

What year did hellen kellers teacher arrive at hellens home?

It was when she was 7 years old.