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Leon Trotsky, in exile, continued his writings on all issues related to Marxism and of course the horrible situation that Stalin had placed on the Soviet people. He also wrote about labor strikes. He made the point that before a labor union decided to strike a particular company or industry, proper groundwork should be done by using Propaganda to first educate the workers. This was the essential first step. His second step was to ensure that the labor union make the proper plans for picket lines and signs denouncing the capitalists.

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Q: What did Leon Trotsky believe was the first essential ingredient in a workers strike?
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What was a basic belief of Leon Trotsky concerning the relationship of trade unions and the Soviet government?

As early as 1920, Leon Trotsky stood firm on his belief that trade unions and the Soviet government could have conflicting interests. With that being the case as far as Trotsky was concerned, the trade unions needed to be educated on this crucial point. Trotsky saw the problems that workers were having with the Soviet government and to help solve them, he proposed a "shake up" so to speak of unions and union members who disagreed with Trotsky. Here we see how the early beliefs of Trotsky were changed once he and the Bolsheviks came into power. Early on in his career, he pushed for the protection of the workers' trade unions. Later, once in power he reversed his position. In exile, he reverted to his original idea about government suppression of the workers.

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How did Leon Trotsky justify the military discipline that was applied to industrial workers in the Soviet Union?

Trotsky and his kind saw the workers as uneducated, lazy, and without organization. They were viewed through the lens of Russian history and serfdom. He didn't need to justify his actions because they were seen as proper for the way to treat serfs. The industrial workers were no more than tools for the government and if military discipline was seen as a solution then it would be used.

Who are non essential workers?

Non-essential workers are those employees that require little or no training and are in positions that almost any able bodied person could fulfil.

What was one crucial dispute that Leon Trotsky had with the Mensheviks in 1920?

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