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They did not provoke a war. The revolution was started a long time before Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were even born.

It all started with Louis XIV, the great grandfather of Louis XVI. He had built Versailles and spent millions on staff, causing a gigantic debt in the treasury. When his successor Louis XV became King (he was then 5!), he didn't know how to solve all the debt, so he started raising taxes. Conveniently enough, the clergy and nobility were cleared from taxes, although they were the richest people. To make matters worse, Louis XV declared war to several countries, while there was absolutely no money to pay for it. By the time Louis XVI succeeded him, France was bankrupt and was actually declared so in 1789. Louis XVI had desperately tried to clear the debt, but did not see any other solution to do so then to raise taxes, even though the French bourgeoisie was starving. He tried to make the nobility and clergy also pay taxes, but they became furious at him when they heard of his plans and prohibited him the execution of these plans. So, this King who so desperately wanted to solve the financial mess the country was in, found himself with his back against the wall and did not know what to do. Everybody wanted it to be solved, but nobody (of the nobility and clergy) were willing to give up some of their priviliges to do so. Instead, they blamed everything on Louis XVI and especially his wife Marie Antoinette.

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